There are many routes to get to Virgin Gorda. Select where you are coming from and we'll help you get here.
The airlines that fly into San Juan from the USA and other countries are:
We recommend Cape Air or Tradewind from San Juan to Virgin Gorda. You can book a through fare directly with your major airline which can save on the fare.
For ease, a private air charter is the way to go! Your options are:
Book a through fare to Beef Island (airport code EIS), or book with one of the smaller airlines directly.
The airlines that have scheduled flights into Beef Island are:
There is a shuttle from their dock to the airport.
If you don't want to wait for Speedy's, then you can book a private charter with any of the following:
A three hour check in is required at St.Thomas airport. Please keep that in mind when booking your flights. Airlines that service St.Thomas are:
Virgin Gorda is just a quick 15 minute flight from St.Thomas! You can charter a flight with:
A fun option to get directly to Virgin Gorda from St. Thomas! You will stop first in West End to clear customs and immigration, and then be dropped of right in Virgin Gorda. We recommend any of the following companies:
The following companies offer daily ferry service from St.Thomas to Road Town. From Road Town you will need to take a separate ferry to Virgin Gorda.
Between Virgin Gorda and Road Town you will take Speedy's Ferry. See "Road Town to Virgin Gorda" tab above.
From Road Town you can take Speedy's ferry to Virgin Gorda.
Departs Road Town - 7:45 am, 10:40 am, 1:30 pm, 4:30 pm, (additional trip at 6:00 on Fridays only)
Departs Virgin Gorda - 7:00 am, 10:00 am, 11:30, 3:30 (additional trip at 5:00 on Fridays only)
Tie in your stay at Guavaberry with a few days in St.John or a day trip or a few days in Anegada.
Road Town Fast Ferry or Tortola Fast Ferry ~ Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Departs Virgin Gorda: 7:10 am
Departs Anegada: 5:00 pm
Sundays: Departs Virgin Gorda 8:30 am, Departs Anegada 5:00 pm.
*Please check their websites for any schedule changes*
Thursdays only - departs St.John at 8:00 am. Departs Virgin Gorda at 3:45 pm.
The other days of the week you can get to St.John from the BVI directly with Aquatic Rentals from Road Town. To get from St.John to the BVI, you will have to first go to Red Hook as the ferry does not stop in St.John on the return trip.